Personal Injury.

The Personal Injury Case Process at Clearwater Law Group

Have you been injured at work, in an auto accident, or suffered some other injury due to no fault of your own? Feel you need a personal injury attorney to discuss your potential case with? That is where the Personal Injury Attorneys at Clearwater Law Group can help.

You will not be required to pay our firm any attorneys’ fees for working on your personal injury case unless (and until) we achieve a positive recovery of money on your behalf.

The following is a description of the personal injury case process our experienced personal injury attorneys and staff provide for you.

First, One of Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys Will Consult With You

Following an accident, it is important for you to consult with one of our experienced attorneys, so we can determine the specific circumstances of your case, including:

  • whether the negligence of another person/party was involved,
  • whether the at-fault person/party has financial resources (including insurance) to pay your
    monetary damages,
  • the extent and severity of your injuries,
  • the extent of your medical costs, and
  • your legal options.

Second, Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys and Staff Will Fully Investigate The Facts Of Your Case For You

Our experienced attorneys and staff will fully investigate your personal injury claim B including the police reports, the accident scene, photographs, witness statements, your medical records and bills, your employment history, your lost wages and earning power, your pain and suffering, your loss of life’s enjoyment, and your necessary future medical care.

Depending upon the circumstances of your accident and your injuries, we will collaborate with accident reconstruction experts, medical experts, and other experts. We will also analyze the possible defenses of the opposing party to determine the full extent of his/her/its liability to you.

Third, Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys and Staff Will Assemble and Organize A Persuasive Demand Package For You

When our investigation of your case is complete, we will put together a Demand Package in order to communicate a demand for an appropriate amount of money to be paid to you to settle your case. The Demand Package is comprised of a demand letter outlining the pertinent facts of your case, as well as copies of supporting evidentiary documents which establish the opposing party’s liability for your money damages (again, the police reports, the accident scene, photographs, witness statements, your medical records and bills, your employment history, your lost wages and earning power, your pain and suffering, your loss of life’s enjoyment, and your necessary future medical care). We will deliver the Demand Package to the opposing party’s insurance company claims representative (or the attorney for the insurance company, if one has appeared for the insurance company).

The Demand Package is the most important impression you will make upon the opposing party and his/her/its insurance company prior to engaging them in litigation. Our attorneys and staff are very experienced at putting together a persuasive Demand Package, which can result in our obtaining a rightful monetary settlement for you without you having to undergo the risks associated with litigation.

Fourth, If Necessary, Our Experienced Personal Injury Attorneys and Staff Will File and Prosecute A Personal Injury Lawsuit For You

It is common for the opposing party and his/her/its insurance company to drag their feet and avoid reasonably resolving your personal injury claim. After reviewing and analyzing our Demand Package, if the opposing party and his/her/its insurance company still refuse to settle your case for an amount of money which reasonably satisfies you, we will file a lawsuit to enforce your entitlement to money damages from them.

By filing and prosecuting your lawsuit against the opposing party, we will force a resolution of your case using the litigation process (i.e., via a mediated settlement, an arbitration, or a courtroom trial with a jury B whatever is necessary). Our experienced attorneys will bring your case to final resolution for you.

Need a Kennewick, Pasco or Richland Personal Injury Attorney? Call today: (509) 734-8500, or fill out this consultation form.


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